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TanStack Start Integration

TanStack Start is a full-stack React framework built on Nitro and the Fetch API. For additional context, see the Fetch Server Integration guide.


You can integrate oRPC handlers with TanStack Start using its API Routes.

import { RPCHandler } from '@orpc/server/fetch'
import { createAPIFileRoute } from '@tanstack/start/api'

const handler = new RPCHandler(router)

async function handle({ request }: { request: Request }) {
  const { response } = await handler.handle(request, {
    prefix: '/api/rpc',
    context: {} // Provide initial context if needed

  return response ?? new Response('Not Found', { status: 404 })

export const APIRoute = createAPIFileRoute('/api/rpc/$')({
  GET: handle,
  POST: handle,
  PUT: handle,
  PATCH: handle,
  DELETE: handle,
import { createAPIFileRoute } from '@tanstack/start/api'
import { APIRoute as BaseAPIRoute } from './rpc.$'

export const APIRoute = createAPIFileRoute('/api/rpc')(BaseAPIRoute.methods)


The handler can be any supported oRPC handler, including RPCHandler, OpenAPIHandler, or a custom handler.

Alternatively, you can use any other supported server integration for your oRPC handlers while using TanStack Start solely for client-side functionality.


Once you've set up the client following the Client-Side Clients guide, you can use it directly in your TanStack Start Routes for both data fetching and mutations:

import { createFileRoute, useRouter } from '@tanstack/react-router'
import { client } from '@/lib/client'

export const Route = createFileRoute('/')({
  component: Home,
  loader: async () => {
    return await client.counter.get()

function Home() {
  const router = useRouter()
  const state = Route.useLoaderData()
  const updateCount = async () => {
    await client.counter.increment()
  return (
      <button type="button" onClick={updateCount}>
import { oc } from '@orpc/contract'
import { z } from 'zod'

export const Count = z.object({
  value: z.number().int().min(0),

export const incrementCountContract = oc
  .route({ method: 'POST', path: '/count:increment' })

export const getCountContract = oc
  .route({ method: 'GET', path: '/count' })

export const contract = {
  counter: { increment: incrementCountContract, get: getCountContract },


In this example, the oRPC client provides functionality similar to TanStack Start's Server Functions.


During server-side rendering, the server (not the browser) calls the route loader. When your handlers require browser headers or cookies, you'll need to forward them to the oRPC client using the headers option and the getHeaders function from TanStack Start.

If your handlers run on a separate server or if you're comfortable with multiple network requests, you can reuse your client-side client instance:

import { createORPCClient } from '@orpc/client'
import { RPCLink } from '@orpc/client/fetch'
import { ContractRouterClient } from '@orpc/contract'
import { getHeaders } from '@tanstack/react-start/server'
import { contract } from '@/lib/contract'

export const link = new RPCLink({
  url: 'http://localhost:8080/rpc',
  headers: () => {
    // For server-side rendering
    if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
      return getHeaders()
    // For client-side rendering
    return {}

export const api: ContractRouterClient<typeof contract> = createORPCClient(link)

Alternatively, you can create an isomorphic client by combining both the Client-Side Client and Server-Side Client approaches.

Released under the MIT License.